Epione Beverly Hills
Dr. Ourian
Dear patients and friends,
For years I was frustrated by the lack of truly effective skin creams, so early on in my practice, I started blending my own and making them available to my patients. Though they came in plastic jars with typewritten labels and the only advertising was word of mouth, I realized very quickly that my patients preferred my own creams to the beautifully packaged name brand products we carried. After endless prodding by my patients, I partnered with a laboratory to further develop my formulas, incorporating the latest advances in state of the art technology and science. I was looking for a real solution for my patients' number one challenge-- sun damage. It destroys collagen and skin tone, causes wrinkles and discoloration and generally makes people look older. It’s the underlying reason that most of my patients come see me, whether they’re aware of it or not.
Best Regards,
Dr. Simon